Kroger Community Rewards
Shop for a cause with your Kroger Plus Card
Did you know that you can earn money for the Junior League of Wheeling every time you use your Kroger Plus Card through the Kroger Community Rewards program?
To enroll our Kroger Plus Card in this program, follow these easy steps:
Visit www.krogercommunityrewards.com and click “sign-in”
Login to your Kroger account using your email and password
Select "Junior League of Wheeling" from the list of organizations
Click "Enroll"- that's it! You are now enrolled for the Kroger Community Rewards program.
*Please note that this program runs April-March and members must re-enroll each April to continue their Community Rewards program partnership.

Amazon Smile
Shop from smile.amazon.com to donate
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way to support the JLW at no cost to you. Be sure to bookmark smile.amazon.com and use that link when ordering from Amazon. Once you select Junior League of Wheeling from the list of charitable organizations, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases. Your login info, shopping cart, and other account settings will remain the same. Click here to get started.